David Lee Roth Covers Simon & Garfunkel’s Baby Driver


David Lee Roth Covers Simon & Garfunkel's Baby Driver

Feature Photo: Shutterstock

I have to say, I am really enjoying this, and it seems like David Lee Roth is too. Today, on August 5th, 2024, David Lee Roth released a brand new video on his YouTube channel. It’s a fun, rollicking cover version of Simon & Garfunkel’s “Baby Driver.” The song was originally released on Simon & Garfunkel’s legendary album Bridge Over Troubled Water. The album was released on January 26th, 1970. “Baby Driver” often appeared as the B-side to the single “The Boxer.” “Baby Driver” was also used as the title for the recent Edgar Wright film released in 2017, which starred Ansel Elgort and Kevin Spacey. “Baby Driver” is not a well-known song in Simon & Garfunkel’s catalog, which makes it an interesting choice for David Lee Roth to cover. But then again, it’s not surprising that David Lee Roth would choose to cover a song like this.

What he’s up to, well, it seems he’s just trying to have some fun. The video is vintage Roth—dancing all over the place in overalls with floppy blonde hair, having a good time doing all those classic David Lee Roth moves. The camera moves around, he’s smiling, and whoever is filming is clearly enjoying the moment. This is what David Lee Roth is up to, and who can blame him for having fun? Why not? We’re all getting up there in years, so let’s not take everything so seriously anymore.

I hope David Lee Roth keeps doing this, releasing all these fun songs in his own way, in his own style. With hardly any information behind it, it doesn’t really matter.

David Lee Roth Covers Simon & Garfunkel’s Baby Driver article published on Classic RockHistory.com© 2024

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Brian Kachejian

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Brian Kachejian was born in Manhattan and raised in the Bronx. He is the founder and Editor in Chief of ClassicRockHistory.com. He has spent thirty years in the music business often working with many of the people who have appeared on this site. Brian Kachejian also holds B.A. and M.A. degrees from Stony Brook University along with New York State Public School Education Certifications in Music and Social Studies. Brian Kachejian is also an active member of the New York Press.

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