Every year, electronics companies enter into a bit of an arms race to see who can come up with the best Cyber Monday headphone deals. Bose are one such company, and have slashed prices on some of their most popular headphones in honour of this year’s sales, with some pairs currently on offer at their lowest ever price, including the ever-popular Bose Ultra Open Earbuds, which are currently going for $229, down from $299, making them an impressive $70 off.
We’ve selected some of the best deals still available below. But be warned: they’re only hanging around for the rest of Cyber Monday, which ends tonight at midnight, so the time to grab those deals is now.
More Cyber Monday deals
- Cyber Monday music deals : All the bargains in one place
- Cyber Monday vinyl deals : Get your collection up to scratch
- Cyber Monday record player deals : New gear for less
- Cyber Monday Marshall deals : Speakers & headphones on sale
- Cyber Monday streaming deals : Explore music, film & TV offers
- Cyber Monday CD deals : Collect all the essential albums
- Cyber Monday CD player deals : Give your collection some love