Speaking with Megadeth Digital, guitarist Teemu Mäntysaari revealed the band is now working on new material for the follow-up album to The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead!, released in 2022.
Mäntysaari: “we’ve been working remotely. So Dave (Mustaine) is in the studio in Nashville, and I’ve been working from home, and now from the vacation location where we are with the family. But, I’m working a little bit every day. Just today I was working on some solo ideas, and talking with Dave on the phone every day, and doing Zoom meetings and exchanging ideas. So, there’s progress every day, which is nice. I feel really good about the album. I think it’s gonna be a great one.”
Previously, Mäntysaari was featured in an new interview with Mxdwn Video. which can be viewed below. During the chat, he discussed what it’s like working with Dave Mustaine.
Teemu: “I think we get along really well musically as well, and I’m constantly listening and watching what he’s doing, and try to pick little things and kind of, in a way, adapt my style a little bit to his he’s playing. Especially like the rhythm stuff that he does; that’s some amazing stuff there, for sure. And we talked about learning the songs, the back catalogue, that has been really helpful for dissecting the old songs.”
“I’m really looking forward to writing together with Dave, as well. It’s like with all the guys… I try to learn all the time. And for me, it has always been kind of cool to be able to play with the guys who are in some ways better than you are. So you can always learn from them.”